Nothing to do with flah, this extra slow shutter speed es very handy :))
Great photography is all about capturing moment frozen in time or event that happen in the blink of an eye. So what happens when you choose to leave the shutter completely open and record the scene in front of you?
Well, if youre shooting something thats stationery in relation to your camera then it will be sharp, while all movement will become beautiful floaty shapes and streams of light. If you check out the shutter speed range on your DSLR you ll see that the longest automatikc setting 30 seconds. one click below that is BULB which allow you to maually hold the shutter open for as long as you keep the shutterbutton pressed down. Grab your camera, switch it to Manual shooting mode, wind the shutter speed to BULB and give it a go.
BULB is an essential creative feature for shots when minutes worth of exposure are needed rather than seconds- when capturing star trails, for example. as you point your camera skywards on a clear night, the slow earthly rotation will demand many minutes of exposure to record the trails.
Light graffitiis another situation where youll need to lock the shutter open to get into the frame and paint your scene.
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5 ulasan:
Semarrrrt lah gambars~ hehehe
hihi tq..biasa2 je lagambar nie uols pun klu ada dslr boleh buat hikhik hik
Whoa! lawo gambo! suke!
aida follow blog ni ye..
saya dah polo awak kan hik hik
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